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Future Arts, Science and Technology Laboratory

Our Approach
A More Creative Way of Doing Things
FASTlab’s process is designed to deliver real-world impact quickly and effectively:
Listen and Collaborate: We work closely with communities, industry, and government to deeply understand the challenges and opportunities.
Co-Design and Prototype: Through participatory design and rapid prototyping, we bring bold ideas to life in ways that are accessible and practical.
Scale and Sustain: We transform prototypes into scalable solutions, creating lasting change for individuals and communities.
What follows is a smorgasbord of methods and approaches used by the FASTlab team to make sure we have the right tools in the box to tackle any challenge. We have successfully used and written about all of these different ways of helping companies and organizations achieve their goals. ​​​

Participatory + Collaborative Methods
Visual + Creative Expression
Narrative and Storytelling
Experimental + Immersive Approaches
Game-based + Playful Techniques
Future Oriented + Strategic Planning
Hands On + Maker-Centred Methods
Reflective + Sense Making
Digital + AI
Structured Dialogue + Facilitation
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